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Forfatter: Ovidiu Mihalache

DiscoverAR este o aplicatie de realitate augumentata, care perminte utilizatorilor sa gaseasca diferite elemente augmentate prin scanarea anumitor materiale.

Cu ajutorul aplicatiei DiscoverAR faci o calatorie in dimensiunea realitatii augmentate. Dupa ce ai descarcat aplicatia, scaneaza materialul (brosura, flyer) care are mesajul "Descarca DiscoverAR" si descopera mesajul augumentat.

Imaginea va fi gasita pe un material (flyer, brosura) care are mesajul "Descarca DiscoverAR". Toti romanii care primesc aceasta brosura sau o gasesc in farmacii, pot augumenta imaginea dupa ce descarca aplicatia.

Puteti gasi imaginea augumentata la adresa :

DiscoverAR is an Augmented Reality application, that allows users to find different augmented elements by scanning certain materials.

By using DiscoverAR, you will take a journey in the world of Augmented Reality. After you have downloaded the application, scan any item (brochures or flyers) that has the message “Download DiscoverAR” and find the Augmented message.

The Augmented imagines will be found on certain materials (flyers or brochures) that have the message “Download DiscoverAR”. All Romanians that receive these materials or find them in pharmacies, can Augment the imagine after they download the application.

To download the AR markers please visit this website :